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με αυτοπεποίθηση στον συνομιλητή ή στο κοινό σου!

Περισσότερες από 35 κορυφαίες παγκοσμίως εταιρείες

και 4.000 άτομα έως σήμερα

έχουν εμπιστευτεί τις υπηρεσίες μας στους τομείς

Φωνής, Public Speaking, Ρητορικής, Presence.

Μήνυμα Καλωσορίσματος

Welcome Message

Η Φωνή σου είναι επιλογή σου!

Είπαν για εμάς

22 Απριλίου 2018

Nina is a unique personality

Nina is a unique personality and a very capable professional. I had the opportunity to realize her major impact in our senior and middle management since the first session on how “the voice impacts the leading presence”. The session on “how words influence our behavior, relations and overall our leadership”has been revealing for our people, who have rated with extraordinary scores. Last but not least, Nina has very strong emotional intelligence/very good intellectual judgement and therefore can be a very good Public Speeches coach.

Yannis Papachristou
Country General Manager, Coca Cola 3E, Greece & Cyprus
13 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

I highly recommend her

Nina is an excellent professional, passionate with what she is doing and very knowledgeable. Her approach is unique and very effective and I highly recommend her.

Philippos Zagorianakos
SVP Central East Europe & Ireland, LeasePlan
18 Ιουνίου 2018

Γραπτή αξιολόγηση μελών

  • Η κα Καλούτσα ήταν και είναι εξαιρετική. Η ομιλία της πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα.
  • Very professional experience, welcome much appreciated and keynote speaker & subject highily rewarding and beneficial
  • Extremely interesting & fundamentally usefull. Bring this lady back!
  • Very usefull for me personally. Congrats for finding the speaker and the topic
  • Εναλλακτικό και πολύ ενδιαφέρον! Συγχαρητήρια για την ιδέα και την εκτέλεση

OWN THE ROOM, Discover your Signature Voice
17 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

New roads of exploration

I met Nina aiming to improve my voice. My lessons with her were not just learning voice techniques. It was a trip of self-awareness and an opportunity for personal growth. With Nina, I did not only improve my voice, but I discovered my “true voice”, the one that expresses emotions and inspires the others. Moreover, Nina opened to me new roads of exploration towards personal growth. I would like to thank Nina for the inspiration and the support in this trip of personal development.

Michalis Karoussis
Global OEM Director, BIC
19 Οκτωβρίου 2017

I feel lucky she appeared in my life

My experience with Nina Kaloutsa started as a vocal coach and evolved into something really greater than this. Breathing correctly, a so underestimated action, became part of my every day life. I started feeling oxygen flowing in me and as a result I started concentrating better. The power of words and the correct expression gave me the advantage of communicating with people at a higher level. I felt my energy levels increasing as i enhanced into the techniques. I feel lucky that she appeared in my life, and beside a great teacher I feel blessed of having a friend like Nina.

Maria Bozoglou
CEO, ITALY LINES International Transports-Logistics SA
2 Ιανουαρίου 2020

She is a great coach!

I was always asking myself how I can improve my speaking skills, how I can be more impactful when I talk in small or bigger audiences, how I can deliver an impactful message in an era when the time is limited and in many cases we have to deal with virtual teams where the voice is even more important! I found out that there is a seminar about “Voice & Success” delivered by a soprano (Nina), I decided to attend it though it seemed a bit weird. It was a positive surprise! How the control of the voice (tone, depth, rhythm) with the support of the right breathing can change the way you speak and finally you deliver your message! Nina has a great way to navigate you through different paths and show you how to develop speaking skills with simple tips. Same time she teaches you how to control yourself, to be focused and finally to prepare yourself for a pitch, where you can give the best! She is a great coach! Thank you, Nina, for the experience!

Maria Skiathiti
Regional Director, Commercial Partner Lead, Europe Middle East & Africa, Microsoft
21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Οι αναπνοές με βοηθούν αποδεδειγμένα, πρακτικά & μετρήσιμα

Είπε για τα μαθήματά μας. Δείτε κι εδώ 

Άδωνις Γεωργιάδης
Υπουργός Ανάπτυξης & Επενδύσεων
24 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Nina is a brilliant teacher

Nina is a brilliant teacher who is highly competent in her field of expertise. She loves what she does and she transfers her knowledge with love to her students. Her program is versatile, innovative and fun and at the same time very effective in improving self-confidence before an audience and presentation skills. Thank you Nina

Sofia Constantinidou
Human Resources Manager, AVIN INTERNATIONAL L.T.D.
20 Οκτωβρίου 2019

I have found the seminars captivating

I am a banking professional and decided to enroll in the group seminars of Nina Kaloutsa following thorough research and triggered by her innovative dual method, combining voice transformation and public speaking training. I was driven by a personal attitude of constant improvement and the strong belief that great communication skills are vital to succeed in the finance industry. I have found the seminars captivating and by practicing respiratory, vocal and real life public speaking exercises gained new communication insights applicable in small group interactions as well as in larger audiences. I highly recommend the services of Mrs. Kaloutsa and cordially thank her for her positive impact.

Christina Giovani
Deputy Chair of the BoD, Consignment Deposits & Loans Fund
30 Οκτωβρίου 2017

She is an electrifying public speaker

I was lucky enough to recently follow the private seminars "Voice & Success" of Nina Kaloutsa. Nina taught me, amongst other things, how to breathe! She is an electrifying public speaker. Her passion for the subject is infectious. In just a short time, you gain a fresh perspective on matters relating to the way we breathe, the way we speak and the importance of the words we use and how these affect our daily lives. She has deep professional expertise and it shows. She draws on her extensive experience as a Singing and Voice Specialist. Her persentations are packed with illuminating anecdotes, informative statistics, suprising paradoxes and a refreshing dose of good humor. In sum, it is my pleasure to give Nina my highest recommendation!r.

Mari Constantinides
Manager, AS Chronotempus SA, PATEK PHILIPPE


Προετοιμασία: Το Α & το Ω για να εμπνέεις εμπιστοσύνη όταν μιλάς

Σήμερα σε ρωτώ: Μήπως αισθάνεσαι ότι, όταν πας να μιλήσεις, τραυλίζεις, τρέμει η φωνή σου, κομπιάζεις, μιλάς αβέβαια ή δεν ακούγεσαι; Ξέχασέ τα αυτά! Μπορείς να […]

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Τρόποι χαιρετισμού στη μετά την πανδημία εποχή

Ως σύμβουλος γλώσσας σώματος αναρωτιέμαι: Πότε θα ανταλλάξουμε χειραψίες ξανά; Σκέπτομαι ότι η χειραψία ίσως θα έχει παρόμοια ιστορική διαδρομή με το φιλί στο μάγουλο των […]

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